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Scroll down for books in English. See form below to send your order.
------------------------------------------------ English Life of a Tibetan Monk (biography of Geshe Rabten Rinpoche) Treasury of Dharma (3 weeks' course by Geshe Rabten Rinpoche in 1974) The Mind and its Functions (by Geshe Rabten Rinpoche) Practical Meditation (by Geshe Rabten Rinpoche) Essential Nectar - Meditations on the Buddhist Path (by Geshe Rabten Rinpoche) |
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14. 6,- 15. 6,- 16. 6,- 17. 6,- 18. 6,- 19. 6,- 20. 6,- 21. 4,- ---------------------------------------------- Price in € / if sent, postage will be added 35,- 33,50 22,- 13,50 16,- |